Worried about paying your bills next month? Take control of your financial anxiety.
Our Money Mindfulness newsletter is your guide to achieve financial wellness. Discover how to stop self-sabotaging your finances and improve your money mindset, and learn from everyday people like you who never knew how to manage their money either but overcame financial challenges. Plus, you’ll unlock exclusive content like my money management plan and financial vision board.
This money management plan is the single essential tool that my wife and I used to buy 3 houses in 4 years by 27.
I bet you’re wondering…
"No, but seriously, how can this improve MY life?"
Well, here’s what it’ll help you do.
Create Your Plan
You'll have a guide to plan your spending, earnings, savings, and investing in one place! Plus you’ll automatically have your expenses categorized and compared against target percentages to encourage continuous improvement towards mastering your money.
Destroy Your Debt
List out all of your debts and create an actionable repayment plan using the provided tables to track and eliminate them.
Structure Your Savings Goals
See how your savings will grow and get you closer to your financial dreams. Forecast and track your progress — you can even link to the SESI Plan for contribution automation and watch the formula wizardry unfold.
Achieve Your Vision
The financial vision board creates space for you to identify your “why” and map out your vision for the future. Clearly defining your why and vision will move you towards fulfilling your financial purpose like never before.
If you need help customizing the money management plan to best fit your needs, feel free to schedule a session with me.